Saturday, June 9, 2012

I'm published!

I have been blessed to meet some great people on a popular social networking web-site this past year or two.  One gentleman, Kelly Norris, is the editor of IRISES, the quarterly bulletin of the American Iris society.   Last fall, Kelly approached me after reading some of my posts about my 'remodeled' front yard and my ongoing love for irises, and asked if I would like to write an article for an issue if IRISES about my iris garden.  I was very flattered of course.  (Someone is interested in MY iris graden??)   I wasn't sure, but he gave me a deadline should I decided to write something.
Last April, my article was published. Since the article is not available to the public unless you are a member of the American Iris Society, I've decided to post a copy of it here.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed the journey out of my comfort zone.

My lovely daughter scanned these pages and distributed them to other family members, bragging about her mom..... isn't she sweet?
After this venture, and during one of the many iris oriented conversations with her this last month, she teasingly said "They should call you the Iris Whisperer"!   What a great idea!  .....thus, The Iris Whisperer's Blog was created.  I wondered about what to do with it for some weeks..... two blogs about irises?  Why not!  &:-)

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