Anyway, I have pretty much the same irises on Etsy and Craigslist that I'm posting here. As they bloom, and as I buy more new ones, I'm finding that I'd better thin out more to make room for all the new ones that I ordered!!
On to the beauties...
As usual.... $5 per rhizome &:-)
I have about five (5) - Sopra il Volcano a Border Bearded.. 24 - 28 inches tall.
Five Rhizomes of Just Teasing - a rebloomer, but not guaranteed to rebloom...
It hasn't done so for me, but I've learned this past year that they need different care than other irises.
... more info on that to come...
Five rhizomes of Champagne Elegance- a parent of Just Teasing
Five rhizomes of San Juan Silver
rhizomes of Shore Patrol
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